

Stephen Voyce | Director

Stephen VoyceStephen Voyce is Assistant Professor of English and a member of the Digital Studio for the Public Arts and Humanities (The Studio) at the University of Iowa. He is the author of Poetic Community: Avant-Garde Activism and Cold War Culture (University of Toronto Press, 2013) and the editor of a book of variations: love – zygal – art facts (Coach House Books, 2013). His work also appears in journals such as Modernism/modernity, Criticism: A Quarterly Journal for Literature and the Arts, Postmodern Culture, and Open Letter. Voyce’s primary teaching and research interests include avant-garde poetics and art, media studies, and digital humanities research.

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Hannah Scates Kettler | Project Coordinator

Hannah Scates KettlerHannah Scates Kettler is the Project Coordinator and 3D specialist for the Fluxus Digital Collection. Her research focuses on the creation of digital cultural heritage visualizations, including 3D constructions of archaeological sites, digital representations of art historical objects, 3D scanning, and experimental technologies. She received her B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Iowa and has returned to the University after receiving her M.A. in Digital Humanities at King’s College London. Hannah is also a member of the Register of Professional Archaeologists and an avid gamer. 

Nikki White | Programming & Development

Nikki DudleyNikki White, researcher, developer, and analyst in the Digital Studio for Public Arts & Humanities. Her background in linguistic anthropology and information science have shaped her interest in visual literacy and user experience design.



Heidi Bartlett | Design

Heidi BartlettHeidi Bartlett is the Graphic Designer and Branding Specialist for the Fluxus Digital Collection. Her work includes: logo, layout, format and website design. She received her BFA in Studio Art and Graphic Design from Concordia University and is in the process of completing her MA and MFA in Intermedia at the University of Iowa. Bartlett is also an educator and interdisciplinary artist who investigates the potential of environments as conduits for performance, sculpture, and drawing.

Audrey Altman | Programming & Development

Audrey AltmanAudrey Altman is a web developer for the Fluxus project. As a graduate student at the University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science, she worked as a research assistant for the Digital Studio for Public Arts & Humanities. Audrey enjoys user-centered web design, data structures, and metadata standards.





Digital Studio for Public Arts & Humanities

The Digital Studio for Public Arts & Humanities—“The Studio” for short—is a campus-wide initiative that encourages and supports public digital humanities research, scholarship and learning by faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students, including those involved in “Public Humanities in a Digital World,” one of the interdisciplinary faculty clusters established by the UI Cluster Hire Initiative.

The Fluxus Digital Collection is made possible by the PHDW, whose initiative is at the intersection of the public humanities, digital humanities, and public engagement—all areas in which UI faculty are performing innovative teaching, scholarship, and service. Its focus is the impact of academic work on civic life and society, using the opportunities provided by digital technologies to amplify and distribute broadly what faculty do as teachers and scholars, collaborating with communities on projects that have social and artistic impact, and envisioning new ways of interacting with our many publics.

Special Collections & University Archives

Special Collections contains over 200,000 rare books ranging in age from the 15th century to newly created artists' books; over 800 manuscript collections, medieval to modern; and 7,000 feet of records that document the University’s history.  The Libraries' repository of primary source materials includes exceptional literary collections of writers from Walt Whitman to Iris Murdoch; historical collections document the French Revolution, Westward Expansion, the Civil War, Chautauqua and vaudeville performers, the culinary arts, political cartooning, screenwriting, and more. Our holdings also include tens of thousands of pamphlets, photographs, posters, sound recordings, and other formats.

Digital Research & Publishing

Digital Research & Publishing explores ways that academic libraries can best leverage digital collections, resources, and expertise to support faculty and student scholars by: (1) Collaborating on interdisciplinary scholarship built upon digital collections; (2) Offering publishing services to support sustainable scholarly communication; (3) Engaging the community through participatory digital initiatives; (4) Promoting widespread use and reuse of locally built repositories and archives; (5) Advancing new technologies that support digital research and publishing.



The works contained in the Fluxus Digital Collection belong to UI Special Collections and were donated by artist and benefactor Ken Friedman. All materials published to the FDC are made with Ken Friedman's permission.  We thank him for his enthusiastic support and generosity.

The Fluxus Digital Collection receives critical support from the Digital Studio for the Public Arts & Humanities and the University of Iowa Libraries. We also welcome and rely upon donations from the community to maintain, improve, and expand the site and its holdings. If you would like to donate, please contact Stephen Voyce.



Coming soon.